
Episode 67: Retirement 2.0

Is retirement about taking a permanent vacation or about rejecting traditional labels, ideas and thoughts so you can create the next big chapter of your life, regardless of your age? This episode explores how you can plan for and create the next chapter of your life at any age.

John Windsor is a certified coach as well as a Broadway star who has an MBA, a Silicon Valley VP, and best-selling author who’s reinvented himself so many times that he knows where all the pitfalls are. His latest and best-selling book is called F*ck Retirement: Don’t Settle for a Lesser Life in Your Later Years.

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Episode Highlights


Traditional attitudes toward retirement


Origin of the term "golden years"


Why traditional attitudes toward retirement are problematic today


How to answer the question "what do you do?"


The problem with bucket lists


How people limit themselves as they age


Ageism in the workplace


How to cope when our minds sabotage our self-image as we age


How a distorted view of how we age affect how we plan for retirement


A definition of "retirement"


How to become a badass in your 80s or 90s


Key ingredients to thrive at any age


The "old person interview"


Ellen Langer's Counterclockwise experiment at Harvard


Framework for reinventing yourself in retirement or any life phase


Powerful question for taking stock of where you are in life


Mario Andretti and putting plans into action

What John sees as the greatest unmet workplace wellbeing need

“The word that that latches on to my brain is 'respect.' And coupled with that, is seeing people as people. Not as the job that they do, or the role that they have, or the expectation. See them first as people. And, put down the armor about 'my job,' 'your job.' Forget about the zero sum games…The more that you co create with people, and the more you see them as a person…all kinds of things can be opened up in terms of interacting, and sharing and growing and creativity.”


“People are people. And we're in this together. [We can create] remarkable success when [we] treat people as people instead of just an employee. And it gets better for everybody when we do that.”


Visit: John's website
Read: a summary of the Counterclockwise Experiment

Michael Glazer is the creator and host of Humans At Work. His purpose in life is to make well-being at work a globally-accepted, basic human right. Learn more about Michael here.